I Had the Craziest Dream sheet music [Betty Grable, Harry James] 1942

Item# : VSM0045

I Had the Craziest Dream sheet music [Betty Grable, Harry James] 1942

This is vintage sheet music for the song I Had the Craziest Dream by Mack Gordon and Harry Warren from the 1942 20th Century-Fox classic entitled Springtime in the Rockies. It was published by Bregman, Vocco and Conn, Inc. in 1942. The sheet music measures approximately 9 1/8" X 12" and is 4 pages in length, counting the front and back covers. The sheet music remains in VERY GOOD condition with a few small, light bends in its front and back cover surfaces, minor corner wear, and some minor foxing (discoloration) from age. The cover features the film's stars Betty Grable, John Payne, Carmen Miranda, Harry James, and Cesar Romero.

PLEASE NOTE: The sheet music will be shipped flat to better protect it.